Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blessing #11-20

11. Cable and internet
12. drive-thrus
13. great kids books like "Goodnight, Gorilla"
14. "walks" around the block
15. inside jokes with hubby
16. warm wooly socks
17. dishwasher
18. "I missed you, Mommy"... "I love you, Mommy"
19. fresh-baked cookies
20. MOPS

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

#100: 1-10

Okay, as encouraged by Browncroft Community Church, I am participating in #100 and listing 100 things I am thankful for. I will try to do it in installments of 10.

1. Jesus
2. my family
3. long afternoon naps
4. nap-time and bed-time stories and snuggles with Andrew
5. late-night and early-morning hugging-snuggles with Ethan
6. our local public libraries
7. Skype so I can see and talk to far-away family, especially Timmy in Paris
8. small group: friendsgiving this past week was amazing
9. the freedom to work part-time and be home more with the boys
10. my parents living close enough to pop in for quick visits

Bucket List

Here's my bucket list, so far... in no particular order. Stars mean I have already met these:

1. *Be the lead in the high school musical. (I saw AP Schalick's "The Sound of Music" in 4th grade and made it my goal then and there to be the lead in the musical when I was in high school. I was Sara Brown in "Guys and Dolls" my senior year.)

2. *Drive across country. (Krystle and I made this goal for ourselves when we were in elementary or middle school. We thought it was so cool that her dad had done that and lived in CA for a while. Well, Krystle came with Jason and me as we drove to Pasadena for our 2 years at Fuller Seminary.)

3. *Live and study abroad. (Junior year I spent my spring semester in England. Living in LA felt like a different country or world.)

4. *Run a half marathon. (Ran 3... before kids when I actually had time to train)

5. *Get my Master's Degree (MA in English from National University... graduated a month before Andrew was born)

6. *Be published (I revised my MA thesis on "A Raisin in the Sun" and it was published as a chapter in a collection of essays on motherhood and film. I have a print copy of it, but it pretty much went straight to e-books. I think they printed less than 100 actual copies)

7. *Own a home (this is not as fun as I expected or hoped it would about a lot of work!)

8. *Be a college professor (I'm an adjunct, but still, I love being called Professor Harris. Now to try to make this a more lucrative profession...)

9. Write and publish a book. (hoping to start working on that soon...)

10. Visit Hawaii, Australia, The Philippines, Ireland, China, Spain, South Africa, Israel... and many more...

11. Act in one of Shakespeare's plays (or actually, I would take any semi-professional productions of one of the cool theaters here in Rochester)

12. Help put my kids through college.

13. Get my MFA (PhD's take too long)

14. win senior citizen age groups for 5ks

15. Pay off our house... and car loans

16. Sing on a professional recording of one of Jason's songs.

hmmmm... that's it so far. I'm sure I'll think of more :)